Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Modest Proposal

Let me ask you something.  What pops into your head when you see this posted anywhere:  f**k
You think of the word fuck.  So, if the censored version of the word conjures up the same thing as the word itself, then why bother censoring at all?  It drives me insane when I see any censored version of a "curse" word.  It just seems silly to me.  People are obviously typing them to be politically correct.  You can't tell me that there are people out there that think "Phew. Thank God they typed that word as sh*t instead of shit!  I would have been offended beyond all comprehension had they put the "i" in there."  99% of the population doesn't care if they see a curse word posted anywhere.  If they are upset, it's only because they don't want their kids seeing it.  Which is a silly notion to me anyway because the kids are just gonna grow up to swear as well.  It's all nonsense.

a show of disrespect, or a desecration or debasement of someone or something.

In my opinion, profanity will always exist in humanity.  As long as we are around, some people will not like your opinion on certain things.  Nobody can really help that.  What I want to see is the idea of curse words disappear.  Add the words fuck, shit, etc. to everyday language. Well, they already are regular language to most people.  I mean make it socially acceptable to appear anywhere.  It's not the words themselves that offend.  The use of these words for a few more generations would still most likely be "frowned upon."  That's quite alright.  But I'm tired of all the phony bullshit about cursing.  Using curse words does not make you a bad person.  You could say a sentence to someone laced with curses, and they won't care.  You can also say a sentence to that same person with no curse words at all which will hurt them deeply and effect their lives. I believe that now is the time to completely dissolve the idea of the curse word.  Profanity will always be around.  There's nothing we can do to control human nature.  But we can control this silly social etiquette that is quite frankly a waste of energy.  

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