Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Back and Rambling Better Than Ever!

Good afternoon everyone.  It's been a while.  Sit back, relax a few minutes, and I'll tell you what I've been up to.

I'm currently reading Life by Keith Richards.  So far it's quite an interesting story.  There's just something about reading people's memoirs that fascinates me.  On the outside, we all appear completely different.  So many times you'll hear people say that we are all unique in our own little way.  And yes, to a certain extent that's true.  What I enjoy focusing on is how much we are all alike when it comes to human nature.  Everybody has a story.  Everybody feels they did the best they could whether you ask a successful doctor or a murdering drug lord.  I love learning about how much humans have advanced in the past 500 years while also seeing how some things never seem to change.  If you grab a time machine and pluck someone from 1500 Italy in our world, they will without a doubt be unable to process the changes that have taken place.  But on the other end, there are so many things you would still be able to relate with him about.  Music, art, love, pain, and life.  This has become my new infatuation when it comes to learning.  I want to read many more books about people's lives and philosophy.  It just feels like something I'm supposed to do.

As you know, I've had sort of a coming out a couple months ago with my writing.  I never dreamed there would be people telling me they love my style and how they look forward to reading more from me.  It was fantastic.  I thank the few of you who do take the time to read about my strange little life.  The reason I stopped for a while is because, as usual, I took something I wanted to do and went overboard.  I seen the positive feedback and decided it was time to brush up on skills.  I got a few books about grammar and writing.  I thought for sure it would be a big help.  I was wrong. I started to edit my stuff way too much.  It got to the point where it was more counter-productive than anything.  This frustrated me, which then discouraged me.  I said fuck it for a while.  This is why I was relieved to run into good old Keith Richards.  He wrote the book himself.  The grammar sucks.  It reads just like the man was talking to you.  So many people told me that's what it's like when they read my blog.  Why should I give two shits if my stuff is written properly?  I don't get paid for this.  Sure, I inspire to be a published author, but you don't learn the craft overnight.  I decided it was time to just be myself and not care about the details.  It's the way a story is told that makes a good writer.  I say fuck grammar and the English language.

There was something else I wanted to mention......oh yeah, the whole weight-loss thing.  I lost 8 pounds in May.  The surgeon needs just enough proof that I have the ability to focus and lose weight.  So far, I'm doing a good job.  Well, alright, except maybe the last two weeks.  I can't lie to you.  It's been nothing but pizzas and chips and candy.  I'm not completely worried because I am already getting tired of it.  Also, the fact that my tooth is killing me, yet again, helps curb my appetite.

So that's about it in a nutshell.  Been reading quite a bit, listening to the blues, and Facebook gaming.  Oh yeah, my girl got me into Empires and Allies which turned into also playing Farmville and Zuma Blitz.  I avoided these games for a while now because I used to be a gaming snob.  We looked down on these over-simplified ways of gaming.  The truth is, I'm too old for that shit anymore.  I learned to hate hipster-type people when it comes to entertainment.  Only cool people drink this kind of beer, or listen to this certain type of rare music, or blah blah blah....  Fuck that shit.  How 'bout you don't worry about what I like to do, and I won't give a turkey about what you like to do.  If we have a common interest in something, fine.  Does that seem fair?  I don't know why I spent so many years focused on finding people who had the same common interests as me.  Sure, it's nice when you can bond about things.  I already surrounded myself around amazing people.  That's a blessing in itself.  Alright, I'm rambling.  I better get going.  I promised Antonio de Firenze a special trip.  He's absolutely clueless about this strange flat box I keep tapping.  I told him not to worry.  I can take you somewhere that anyone from any time period would enjoy.  First, we have to stop at the bank to get a few hundred dollars worth of ones......


  1. I'm reading the same book. The entire first chapter had me howling with laughter. It's a great book, I'm about halfway through.

  2. Jason,
    I am so glad that you are back to writing here. I think you are an amazing person, and an awesome writer. Please continue this blog, as you give inspiration to others that have a huge obstacle ahead of them (like me). Just write about your thoughts, successes (no matter how small), failures, and whatever you are feeling at the time. You give me inspiration without you even knowing it.
