Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Brief Look At How I Got To This Point

    There is one simple explanation as to why I am having the gastric bypass surgery at the end of the year.  I want to get laid.  Yeah, that’s right. This 34 year-old average looking male with a college education has never officially done “the deed.”  I’m going to spare you fine folks the intricate details into my problem.  Let’s just assume the high probability that you are a perfectly capable adult with an imagination.  Use it now if you wish…
    Now I know that may sound pretty crazy considering there are many more benefits that losing a life changing amount of weight can provide.  Living longer comes to mind.  I also think it would be pretty cool to be able to walk more than 100 feet without losing my breath.  I really could go on all day.  Sure, there are many issues right now that make life seem like nothing more than a list of difficult chores.  But the main thing my mind stays focused on is my virginity. I ache both mentally and physically for sex.  I crave it just as much as the next person.  Not being able to satisfy that craving has left a huge hole in my heart and my psyche.  Unfortunately, the way I chose to deal with this issue only contributed more to the problem.
Take a look at this guy. He has two frickin’ kids! And they want me to believe that there’s a God?
    I’ve always been a big boy.  The only pictures I have of me looking normal are of when I was a baby.  I must say that a good portion of my life was great.  I have the best group of friends anyone can ask for.  My family is very supportive. Of course I was always limited in my physical capabilities, but I still lived a productive life.  I started working right out of high school.  When I was 25, I went to college for nursing. I worked as an RN for 5 years.  I’ve even been in two serious relationships, and engaged once!  And those girls loved me enough to overlook the sex issue.  When I look back, I really can’t figure out why my downward spiral started.  I do know that it must have been sometime around 2006.
    That was the year I first thought to myself that I have a legitimate problem with my eating habits.  Most days I would have a regular breakfast and supper.  What I started doing though was about an hour or two after dinner, I would go to various fast food places and eat again. Then after being out for a few hours, I would stop at a convenience store to buy candy bars to sneak into the house.  It got to the point where I was doing this almost five times a week.  I also remember going to the grocery store and buying all kinds of junk food.  It was a big thrill for me to sneak it into the house, and hide it in my room. Any time I was stressed about something (and I frequently was with a sick mother), I would get the most comfort out of hiding junk food, heading for my room, and eating everything I had.  This desire to binge in secret has gotten much better since then. I haven’t fully binged in about a year.  Sometimes I still find it necessary to get a candy bar or pack of cookies to hide in my pocket.  But even that is rare anymore.
    So that leads me to right now. April of 2011. I may not know why I got to where I am today, but I at least have a good idea how.  I spent a huge amount of time dwelling on my mistakes.  Of course that was doing nothing for me.  I decided that 2011 was going to be the year that I actually did the hard work needed to make a significant change in my life. Making sure I could keep my overeating in control was the first step. Getting approved for health care was the second step.  As I keep posting in this blog, I will talk about various appointments I have with doctors. Also, I feel this is a good forum for me to express all the positive and negative aspects of being a large gentleman going through this process. So prepare yourselves nerdy redheads with glasses and tattoos. I’m gonna be one hormonal, energetic bastard by this time next year.
This pic makes me want to throw my laptop out the window. I am probably the largest human being in central PA. Yecch!


  1. Hi, its Kelley! Just wanted to let you know Ive been following your blog , this is just the first chance Ive had to sit down and comment. Cant wait to hear about all the very real, truthful pros and cons of doing something this huge (get it ...huge? cuz youre fat!) and I think youre brave for doing it. Now lets put on some cheesy montage BIGGEST LOSER music while you try to run a mile and then watch you cry like a baby when you finish. " I AM WORTHY!!! WAAAHHH!!!!! I matter!!!" Look forward to reading about your experiences xoxo

  2. But you're quite possibly one of the sweetest human beings in Central PA, too.

    - A.
