Thursday, May 5, 2011

Quick Update

Hi there. I want to post a quick update.  It appears that the times I've seen my family doctor in March and April are not going to count towards the six months of documentation for attempted weight loss the insurance company requires before surgery is approved.  Shit.  But yesterday was my first "official" visit for that purpose in mind.  I was weighed for the first time since 2009. Gained 13 pounds since.  I know I've lost weight recently because of how my clothes fit.  I also seem to be getting around much better.  That's all well and good, but it's like a punch in the face when you see that number.  Friends, I know that one of the main goals of this blog is brutal honesty.  I feel that honesty is required for anyone to overcome major issues in life.  Lying to yourself can't fix anything.  With that being said, I do not feel comfortable posting my weight right now.  I feel bad because I am comfortable telling people every other aspect of what I deal with.  I'm too embarrassed of the number to be blunt.  I hope you understand.

Also, I wanted to ask for some input if you would be so kind.  When I had the idea to write about my story, I thought it would be good to not only post about what's happening now, but to also write about past experiences that relate to being big.  Things where I noticed being big effected something fun, huge binges, life changing moments......that sort of thing.  It would be a nice look into how life is for someone who has a food addiction, and how things have progressed throughout the years.  I also think it would benefit myself to look back and dig around my noggin a bit.  Enough people are reading this to justify asking your opinion.  I can make this strictly a blog about 2011 and the gastric bypass process, or I can also sprinkle in reflections of my past, and give you a deep look inside my silly head.  I'm going to assume that you don't really give a crap either way :) 

If you wish, let me know how you feel.  Either way, I'm working on something for mother's day.  Also, I'm currently reading a couple things to work on making my writing better.  It's been a dream of mine that I'm finally making happen.  I thank you all for the kind words so far. It means the world to me.


  1. I think that past experiences are relevant to what you are experiencing now. It affects the way you see the world...helps the reader know where you are coming from and can give the blog depth...IMO. I think that you can make the past experiences relate to your overall point and that everything you put there will be relevant.

  2. First of all, nobody gives a crap.

    Secondly, when I say "nobody," I mean, "all right, maybe a few people, but only ones with mild-to-severe shut-initis" (listen, I'm not doctor, I don't terms and all that).

    That said, I think just in terms of writing, you have to write about your past, present, and future. Nobody is going to care much if you just say, "Food is good, but so is being alive" with every blog post (not that you do), but people will care if you let them into your world, how you see things (for instance, you can let readers know about your complete inability to say the title of the movie "Jaws" unless it's followed by "3-D"). The things that make you sad (Steelers losing, the Holocaust, Steelers losing), things that you think are funny (little kids crying about paper cuts), music you enjoy (The clear violin: sexiest instrument, or SEXIEST INSTRUMENT?), books you've read (YOU CAN'T COOK A COOKBOOK & PICTURES OF FOODS YOU CAN'T EAT ANYMORE), people you know (handsome, vaguely Spanish man who used to work with you at the grocery store and was always fighting off ladies in the Clorox and Spaghetti Sauce aisle). Talking about things like that help you gain a following. I mean, who else in the world listens to Tom Waits and Technotronic? Not many, my friend. Not many.

    May the only things you consume in mass quantities from now on be words of encouragement, and the only thing you poop out be knowledge. Wait, that didn't come out right. Hang on, I'll think of a good one in a second.

  3. The past is relevant, too. It's all part of your journey, and it could quite possibly help someone reading. I hope you'll share all of it with us -- past, present, and future.

    - A.
